
Oct 25, 2009

10 Selected Tweets @pablogoldbarg

“El camino se hizo más angosto, y las personas empezaron a comprimirse como si fuesen dedos estrujados por las garras de un gigante.

“Today at the NYC marathon there was a couple (she 85; he 75) running while I was kissing a bagel with cream cheese.”

“Should I quit coffee or writing?”

“¿Cómo animarse, desde la cotidianidad arropada de un día cualquiera, a escribir sobre el artista que desangrado se desnuda ante nosotros?”

“You can be Jailed for feeding the homeless, but not for carrying a gun. I knew some foods were unhealthy, but not so dangerous...”

“I'm worried about the effects of tweeting from the bathroom.”

“I've seen it all in NYC. I even lived in an apartment with no kitchen... in Hell's Kitchen.”

“Whoever leaves New York without writing is trapped by emptiness. But who writes while being there will be trapped by New York forever.”

“How is it possible that 30 years after the times of Harvey Milk being gay is still an issue?”

“¡El pacto Grondona-Kirchner es la última vergüenza argentina!” *

* Este tweet está desactualizado. Hay varias nuevas vergüenzas.

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